Legato Music School | Seniors

Seniors Music Courses

Seniors Music Courses


Music has a resounding effect on people of all ages. Not only is music the medicine for the soul, it is also a source of nostalgia. Especially in senior citizen´s, it helps them to recover memories from their past as people can really connect with tunes they feel passionate about. It helps greatly with the mental and emotional aspects of growing old.

Many elderly care centres have started to adopt music therapy as it can engage one’s body and mind. Research found that many elderly people suffering with brain deterioration and memory loss were able to recollect moments of their past that they associated with the music. Also, music simulates the brain which helps alleviate anxiety and depression for those suffering from neurological disorder such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Being in a musical environment makes one happier and more social. Get to know more new friends and play oldies together. Reconnect with family and friends through music making!

List of available music courses for seniors coming soon!

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